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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Is The Website Down Or Is It My Connection? What do you do when a website won't connect? Do you pull your hair out? Reset your router? Call your Internet company? Reboot your PC? You can't figure out what it could be because you don't know if the problem is on your end or the website's end. The fantastic site Downforeveryoneorjustme.com (or isup.me for short) will tell you if it's a problem on your side or if it's also not accessible from their servers. How does it work? Simply type in the address you want to see if it's working and click "or just me" and you'll be told if it's just you or if it's down for everyone. Now that you know if it's you or everyone, you can make the proper decision on how to fix it. If it's just you, it's always a good idea to start by rebooting your computer then restarting your router (unplug the router for 30 seconds, plug it back in and wait three to four minutes for it to reset.) If that does not work, you can move on to contacting your internet provider to see if there is an outage. If it's down for everyone, the best thing to do is wait it out. The company hosting the website may be down or experiencing technical difficulties. -Tim Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Yeah Baby! The Most Ingeniously Designed Earphone On The Planet Is Yours... FOR ONLY $4.97 Crystal Clear Sound - Extra Comfortable Fit! The Amazing Sound Of Headphones With The Light-Weight Comfort of Ear-Buds! You're Gonna LOVE These Things! Perfect for MP3 Players - Computers - ANYTHING! Music Will Never Be The Same!!
Hey Audio Lovers... CHECK THIS OUT!! Tired of suffering through painful earbuds just to listen to your music? It's because of your cheap, hard plastic earbuds! In fact, even the expensive ones are uncomfortable! Seriously, if your ear canal isn't JUST the size the designers had in mind... well, you used to be out of luck! BUT NOT ANYMORE! VIBE JUICYS ARE HERE TO SAVE THE DAY! Each earpiece features a soft silicone earbud and they will fit in just about any ear. They create a slight suction - so when you place the earpiece in your ear it stays there ...comfortably, and doesn't fall out! And the sound, oh baby, we're talking crystal clear and second to none!! There used to be SO MANY trade-offs for headphones/earbuds. You'd either have to get bulky headphones for good audio, or sacrifice comfort for nice earbuds... but those days are OVER! Get AMAZING AUDIO and AMAZING COMFORT wrapped up in AMAZING PORTABILITY! They're the EVERYTHING-EARBUDS! You're gonna lose your mind when you put these on! Amazing Sound! - Your Ears Will Thank You! You know what would be REALLY EAR-RESPONSIBLE? Spending a TRUCKLOAD of money on earbuds that have AWFUL sound quality! That's why you NEED to check these amazing little earbuds out! They're INCREDIBLE! It's like a vacation for your ears in both comfort and sound! They bring the ultimate tag-team for audio lovers everywhere! You'll never want to take 'em off after you've tried them JUST ONCE! MUSIC to Your EARS.... We got these for an OUTSTANDING price, and we're going to pass the savings directly on to you! Today, get YOUR set (or maybe a few) of these brilliantly comfortable, amazingly clear earbuds for just $4.97!! And remember, all orders above $5.00 get FREE shipping in the US! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7367 PS - This CRAZY price isn't a lifetime offer! Make sure to grab yours before Friday when the price reverts to $10.97 !!
Windows Update Stuck On MS Works Norman from Pennsylvania writes: Every time I start up my computer I get a notification from Windows Update that I have an important update for Microsoft Works 9 (KB2754670). I do not have Microsoft Works 9 installed in my computer. How can I stop this message from popping up constantly? Answer: The first thing I would try is to manually install the update. You might have some component of MS Works or MS Works installed and not realize it. You can download and run the update manually by clicking here, then clicking "download" and running the program. If the update fails and you get a message saying "it could not locate MS Works or it does not apply to your system," you can manually hide the update by going to Windows Update, clicking "Show available updates" or " updates are available" and then right-clicking on that update and clicking "Hide update". -Tim
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Is It Plugged In? Is It Turned On? Two Time-Saving Quesitons To Ask Many years ago, a wise engineer gave me the best tech-support advice I've ever received. He said that if something isn't working, always ask yourself two things: "Is it plugged in? Is it turned on?" This sounds ridiculously simple, but in the course of a career spent surrounded by computers and other highly technical and infuriating equipment, I've found it to be the most useful piece of advice I've ever received. First of all, is it plugged in? Check to make sure the plug is actually securely plugged into the wall or power strip. A few days ago I was staring at my electric kettle wondering why it refused to boil and realized that I had plugged in my coffee grinder instead. For the rest of this tip, check out WorldStart!
Harper from OR asks: What does the term "Pinned" mean? For Example: Want more of this tip? Click on WorldStart!
Classic Shell: Turn Windows 8 Into Windows 7/XP Do you have Windows 8? Are you frustrated with the new interface and how they moved and changed pretty much everything? In early testing, Microsoft allowed (via a registry hack) users to re-enable the start menu, but removed this feature before the release of Windows 8. Thankfully, some very creative people over at Classic Shell have released a freeware utility which can give you back the Start Menu everyone loved. Let's take a look at what Classic Shell does and some of its features, Classic Start Menu is a clone of the start menu from Windows 2000, XP and Vista. Sadly, it is missing in Windows 7. Classic Start Menu has a variety of advanced features: To learn more about this free download, go to WorldStart!For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Silk: An Amazing Way To Make Interactive Art Silk is an incredible, interactive artwork. All you have to do to use it is click and drag your mouse. Once you're done creating your artwork by clicking and dragging, you can share it by clicking the Share button at the top of the page. It opens a drop down menu that offers you a way to share your art via Facebook or Twitter, as well as a link to it. Unhappy with how your artwork is turning out? Just click the New button to clean your screen off and start over. Is your silk artwork taking too long to display all its various ripples and waves? Then click the Speed Up button beneath the canvas. If you'd like to replay it, there's a Replay button next to the Speed Up button that will start your silk creation over. Love this concept? Well there are free wallpapers that you can use to decorate your desktop with silk style art. Just scroll down the page and select one. If you mouse over the different links, the image appears on the monitor to the right of the links. So you can see what they display like before downloading them. Once you click the link it will open up the .JPEG for that image, you'll need to right click it and select Save Image As and then set it as your desktop image through your computer settings. Just to warn you it's really easy to lose track of time as you play with this site, I sure did! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
An Easy Way To Scan Your Photos! Do You Have Prints Laying Around Your Home? Stacks of 'em? Albums? MAYBE EVEN BOXES? The Film Days Are Gone... Preserve Those Prints Forever! Scan Them To Your PC... BEFORE THEY FADE AWAY!! 2 Sizes to Choose From!! Ingenius New Scanners Makes It Simple - No Software Required! Scan Your Photos While You Watch TV... You Don't Even Need Your Computer! Amazing Video Demo Will Blow You Away! Jaw-Droppin Quality! Amazing Resolution And Color! And Just Imagine... You Can Share All Those Old Photos Via E-mail, CD, Or Even The Web!
WOW - These are so COOL! (Sorry for yelling, but WOW! - I'm REALLY excited about this one!) We've FINALLY found the perfect scanners for all those prints you have laying around the house! On top of that, we found a BIGGER model too - it supports PDF and documents or photos up to 8.5x14 inches! WOW! You know how it is - you probably have stacks, albums, and boxes just overflowing with photos from your old film camera. Wouldn't it be GREAT to free them from their paper prison and transfer them to digital before they fade away (or get ruined)? Wouldn't it be incredible to be able to EASILY scan those photos and have them at your fingertips in DIGITAL format? Think about it - you could print as many more as you'd like - no negative required! You could e-mail them, post them on the web, edit 'em, or burn to CD for safe keeping! WOW! How did we get along before digital? And, wouldn't it be fantastic if there was a high quality - but SUPER-EASY - way to do it? There is!!! Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Arrgh - I hate scanning!" After all, up till now, scanning photos into your computer was a royal pain in the you-know-what! You had to buy an expensive scanner, install finicky drivers (and fight for hours to get them to work), and struggle with buggy software that only a digital imaging expert could understand! Oh, and then on top of it, it was time consuming and the scans sucked! YUK! No wonder no one likes to scan! However, that little nightmare ends RIGHT NOW! We just discovered the most amazing little photo scanners on the PLANET! How would you like a scanner SO easy to use that it actually made scanning in photos - dare I say it - fun? (Check out the video below for a demo) Then you GOTTA try this absolutely incredible photo scanner! Scan photos from wallet size to 4x6! (Note - normally the snapshots you got back from the lab when you had a roll of file developed were either 3x5 or 4x6 in size, so this scanner covers everything.) *INTRODUCING: THE BIGGER BROTHER* If you've got BIGGER photos - check out this larger scanner! It can scan up to 8.5x14 inch photos or documents! WOW! It comes in a "wand" format, but with a photo feeding dock that makes it a snap to use! In fact, instead of coming with an adapter for negatives... this one can scan documents in as PDFs... bigger photos, document and PDF support... now THAT'S an upgraded model! Whichever one you choose, you're gonna LOVE these scanners! Let's start with the drivers and software - WOW - there isn't any! In fact, you don't even need to plug this baby into a computer to use it - it includes an SD card that plugs into the back of the unit to store the images you scan! Think about that - you could sit in front of the TV and scan stacks of photos! How cool is that??? (You should really see the video demo below) What about actually using it?
You just feed a photo in the scanner, it scans it (takes about 6 seconds), and, well, that's it! The photo is automatically saved to the memory card as a standard JPEG! Once you're done scanning, just plug the scanner into your computer via the included USB cable and copy the photos to your hard drive! It's REALLY that simple! (NOTE - there are some other options too - you can plug the scanner into the computer and scan that way - just as easy. OR you can pop the SD card out of the scanner and use your computer's card reader to get the photos!) Don't take my word for it - check out this demo we put together and see for yourself! And just think - you don't need to install a SINGLE driver or piece of software to make it work! Now THAT'S the way to scan baby! Plus, the photos look absolutely AMAZING! The high resolution scans are fantastic quality and the color is just as eye-poppin' as the original photo! You'll be totally BLOWN AWAY when you see the images this produces! And it does everything automatically - just feed the photos in and the rest happens like magic! It's REALLY time to stop putting this off - those old photos are fading even as you read this! SAVE THEM NOW by scanning them into your computer. Turning them to digital literally stops the aging process and preserves them forever! Don't have your old photos... but still have the negatives? NO PROBLEM! The smaller model has a special adapter to let you scan the negatives too! WOW! And when you add in the fact that they're both 5-in-1 card readers too? Well, now that's just icing on top of the cake! Why let all those memories fade away when scanning them is so easy? Hey, plus your scanned images can't be scratched, ripped, wrinkled, or torn! There has never been a faster, simpler way to get your snapshots into your computer! Generations from now, your great, great, great, great, great, grand kids will be thanking you for preserving all those memories! Digital is forever! YEAH! Your price? Well, these sell all over the place for big bucks - we've seen them for $50 to nearly $100! That's CRAZY with a capital "K"! How 'bout we sell this to you for just $36.97 and US shipping is FREE! How's that for a deal? For less than a night out for dinner you can preserve all those old photos quickly and easily! Or if you're looking for the BIGGER model... we've got them for just $55.97 (which also comes with FREE SHIPPING in the US!) Don't miss out - limited quantities and this is bound to be a HUGE seller! Scanning your photos has never been this simple, this fun, this fast or this AFFORDABLE! You gotta give it a try! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7120 - For the the smaller model that does up to 4x6 photos. OR http://store.worldstart.com/product/8494 - For the bigger, more amazing model that does up to 8.5x14 inch photos with PDF support! PS - PLEASE don't let your old photos fade away - scan them the easy way with this incredible scanner! Give it a try - if you don't love it, simply send it back within 60 days for a refund! Nothing to lose - unless you miss out!
February Wallpaper Is Ready! OK, I've been a bad photographer this month. I was actually out in the Southwest for a good part of it and I just didn't have time to get anything new ready for the wallpaper section. Bad Steve! However, there are three and a half pages over at the site to hold ya over :) So, here are some favorite reruns I hope you enjoy: Featured Wallpaper For February:
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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