Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tech Tips [ How Can I Set A Photo As My Desktop + Why Can't Windows 8.1 Run Dos? + BYOD: Five Important Points ] 1/2/14

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws WorldStart Tech Tips 2014-01-02

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Quick Tip

Norman from Kansas City writes:

One thing I really miss in Windows 8 is being able to right click on a picture and set it as the desktop background. Is there still a way to add this to the drop down menu?

Norman that function should still be there in Windows 8.1. Go to desktop mode and right-click on the photo in the and you'll see the set-as-desktop function. Make sure you go to the file for photos and not the metro/modern style photo app. If a photo is sitting on the desktop, just right-click for the option.

If you want to set a photo as the image for your lockscreen – go to the photos app on the metro screen and select the Set as option for the image you want. You can make it your lock screen image or the image representing photos on your photo tile.

~ Cynthia

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No Hard Drive Lives Forever...

Hard drives are sensitive, complex mechanical devices. Most modern hard drives can hit over 7200 RPMs!

But it's not without a cost: No matter HOW hard you try, 100% of hard drives will eventually crash.


What do you do when your hard drive crashes?

Well, there are only two outcomes...

1. If you don't back up your data:

It's gone. Throw your hard drive in the trash and start fresh... because you are NOT recovering that data. A dead hard drive is just that. It's game over.

2. If you DO back up your data:

You take your handy little Super Talent16GB back up flash drive and put all your saved files on your next computer. With JUST ONE CLICK!

You don't lose a single file, and you don't spend the weekend wishing you had printed those vacation photos that you'll never get back.

Which one would you prefer?

There's only ONE reason not to back up data: it USED to be hard. It took a lot of time, it took expensive hardware or software, and it took some tech-savvy. You had to know file extensions, directories, the whole works.


The Super Talent 16GB Instant Backup Flash Drive!

NO software. NO set up. NO time consuming steps. All you do is plug it in and click "backup"!

Could it BE any easier?

The first time you pop it in, it just asks you what directories you want to backup. After that, every new backup is just a click away.

What's great is that it keeps ALL of your directories and folders right in the order you have them on your PC. So you'll know EXACTLY where to find them on the flash drive or after you back them up to another PC!


Think about everything you have on your computer: TONS of photos. ALL of your favorite music. Family videos and contact information.

How about work documents, important files, sensitive documents. Even your passwords, e-mails, favorite web pages... EVERYTHING!

After a crash, you can't get those photos back. The videos are now distant memories. And your passwords? Good luck remembering the ones you haven't had to type in for years.


And with backing up this easy, you won't even have to think about it!

This DEFINES User Friendly!

We tested it out, just check out the video:

Ultra Sleek, Ultra Secure, ULTRA FAST!

It looks, feels, and acts just like your standard flash drive (of course, standard flash drives can't hold a candle to this one) so you know it's gonna be easy and lightweight to move or store.

Plus, when you aren't using it, you can flip the drive around to protect the connector! YES!


That's right - Just drag and drop files to it and use it like any other flashdrive! Talk about the best of both worlds!!

Take it anywhere! Back up any PC or laptop! Use it for EVERYTHING!

And if you're looking for fast, this thing is gonna BLOW YOU AWAY!

This is a Super Talent high-speed USB 2.0 drive.

We're talkin' up to 480Mbps of PURE SPEED!

Last but not least: IT'S SECURE!

When you back up anything on this drive, you can choose to encrypt it and guard it with a password of your choice! Nobody but you or those you trust get access to YOUR files.

So all your tax, financial, and confidential documents? You can back them up too without worrying! FINALLY!

It's not just passwords, either. It's full-power encryption!

All those passwords on your PC don't mean a thing if you don't have SECURE backups.

But with the included backup software, it's not a problem.

A Backup Drive For UNDER $19! WOW!

If you go anywhere to try and get a backup drive, you'll be looking $40 for the BARE MINIMUM! And those are bulky, heavy external hard drives that you really can't move or store.

Personal note - I needed another backup drive for all my photography, and these were just PERFECT for the job! They're sooooooo handy!

You will NOT find a faster, more convenient backup drive out there for just $18.97 with FREE US SHIPPING anywhere else!

These are simply one of the coolest devices I've ever seen. PLEASE don't miss out on this deal. We only have so many and once they're gone... that's it.

LIMITED QUANTITY - Seriously! If these run out, they're gone! We don't always get to offer items like this! And after Friday this sale will end, with the price going back up to $22.97! HURRY TO THE STORE!

Computers 101

Larry writes:

I hope I can get this all in. I just read your latest newsletter and I'm sick of hearing about how great Windows 8 and 8.1 are. Like in Windows 7, you can't even run all these old DOS programs I have. I've been with MS since DOS 6 in the mid 1980s, running every OS they've ever had. I ran Windows 2000 for 10 years, but it was a piece of junk. Since I've been running XP for three years, it hasn't crashed even once. And it runs my old DOS programs. Gates and his cronies made a HUGE mistake by not including DOS in the primary OS. It's all about money and forcing people to upgrade. I have hi def desktops that look beautiful under XP, why would I want some piece of junk that has cubes all over the screen to hide these desktop pics I have spent so much time editing. You keep talking about it all the time and bragging it up. I'm sick of hearing about it.

Well, Larry I can't do much about Microsoft ending support for XP, but I may be able to help you with a couple of your specific complaints. A DOS emulator like DOSBox would enable you to run DOS programs in Windows 7 and Windows 8. However, it won't be able to run 16 Bit programs in a 64 Bit version of Windows 8.

You can also tell a Windows 8.1 computer to boot to the desktop on startup, so your carefully selected photos will be on display.

Go to desktop and then right-click on the taskbar. Select Properties from the Windows that open.

This window will open.

Check When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop.

Now when you open your computer from the lock screen, you'll go straight to the desktop.

The reason I write a lot about Windows 8, isn't that I'm trying to build it up. It's just that it's the operating system that's installed on nearly all new PC's. Since it's new, people have lots and lots of questions about how to use it.

Unfortunately, you will need an alternative to XP, since Microsoft is ending all security support in April of 2014.

~ Cynthia

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Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!

On The Move

BYOD: Five Important Points

If you own a business and allow your employees to bring their personal devices to work (known as BYOD) it's vital that you have a clear policy your employees can easily understand. How you present your policy is as important as what your policy contains.

Rather than distribute the policy via email, hold a company-wide meeting at which you introduce the BYOD plan in a formal presentation. By holding a meeting, you can answer any employee questions and get a direct sense of how clear your policy really is. Distribute hard copies of the policy at the end of the meeting (if you hand it out at the beginning employees are apt to read it instead of concentrating on your presentation.) Include a signature page that clearly states the penalty for failing to adhere to the BYOD policy and require all employees to sign it indicating that they have received and understand the policy.

Head on over to WorldStart to learn more!

From The Archives

Valerie from Baronett, WI writes: Please tell me how to permanently change the font and font size on my PC. I am using Windows 7.

Answer: Valerie, you can do it in a few easy steps. You start off by going to the Start Menu and selecting Control Panel.

In the search box at the upper right of the control panel, type Change window colors and metrics.

That will bring up the Personalization option. Click on Change Windows colors and metrics.

Just click WorldStart to learn more!

Today's Feature

TuneIn Radio: Listen To Thousands Of Stations For Free

TuneIn Radio is one of the most popular radio apps around, but I have to say that I think it looks especially nice on Windows 8. You can complain about the relative scarcity of apps for Windows 8, but you can't say that the apps they have aren't pretty.

TuneIn is a free app that puts thousands of radio stations all over the world at your fingertips. As with any other Windows 8 App, you find it in the Windows App store.

Since it's free, just click or tap Install to download.

When you launch the app, you'll see the option to browse by local radio, music, sports, news, talk, location, language or podcasts.

Head on over to WorldStart to learn more!

For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.

Amanda's Coolsite

70 Degrees West

I stumbled into this site after running across a photo from one of the documentaries. What I found took my breath away and I knew I had to share these galleries with you.

After arriving at the site, I immediately went to the Images section to navigate the photo-documentary galleries. I worked my way across from left to right and fully went through each gallery. It was 100% worth the time. The images are breathtaking and beautiful. One of my favorites is from the first gallery Thule hunters – Greenland – Image 04.

Once you've clicked into a gallery you have an assortment of navigation options in the top right. You can select to view Thumbnails, a PDF version, and you can press Play to start the slideshow of photos and text.

In the Video section you'll find three videos: Dust, The Making of Dust, and Thule hunters. I recommend all of them.

The Mission section is where you'll find the details about the Project, Biographies, and the Human Thread that traces how humans are dependent on nature.

This site is really awesome, I hope you'll check it out today and be as blown away by it as I was.


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Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?

Send it to Amanda at

One More Big Deal

You Need a Better Way To "Cruise" The Net!

Here, Take The Wheel Behind THIS Mouse!

Sleek - Stylish - AWESOME!

It's 100% Wireless - Optical Tracking - It Even Lights Up!

Plug In The Nano-Receiver And You're Good To Go!

You Can Even Store It In The Base When You're Traveling!

Turn It On And The Headlights Turn On Too!

Take A Spin In THIS Car Mouse!

Who would've figured that the coolest design for a mouse would also be the MOST COMFORTABLE?

I got this mouse and sat down to try it out... I was FLOORED!

All you have to do is hold this mouse in your hand ONCE to realize how perfectly designed it is!

Take the words bulky and uncomfortable out of your vocabulary because this thing defines ergonomic! Every single person in the office here had to try it out and they all said the same thing:

"Wow, it's so NATURAL to hold!"

The hood of the "car" is split in two for the mouse buttons you've always used, and right in the middle is the scroll wheel that you love!

What's REALLY cool is the headlights though! When you turn this on, the headlights glow blue like those high-quality headlights!

It's cool and even functional: they're pretty bright and you could use them as some extra light in a pinch!

But don't get me wrong: it's not just visual appeal that sold me on this thing!

100% Wireless! 100% Optical!

No wires is HEAVEN when it comes to mice!

If you ever had to tug or twist a cord to be able to click that icon or view that webpage, you KNOW it sucks to be tied down!

And if you had to move that mouse, then you had a BIG cable to drag along with you!

NOT ANYMORE! This not only uses a handy little wireless receiver, but the receiver is so small that even when it's in your computer you'll hardly notice it!


And if you're on the go, you can store the receiver RIGHT in the bottom of the mouse!

Oh, and get this: it's OPTICAL!

It's become a real standard in the industry and for GOOD reason!

It has high-accuracy, high-reliabilty, and you'll NEVER have to clean it up like those old annoying trackballs.

The BEST Deal On A Car EVER!

Only at WorldStart could you buy a car for $14.97 with FREE US SHIPPING TOO!

This deal is doin' 100 MPH until Friday when it hits the brakes and goes up to $18.97!!

Monthly Wallpaper

December Wallpaper Is Ready!

This is it - end of the year already! This time around I'm going all in for Winter, so enjoy! Also, note that I'm going to start putting in more vertical images since they tend to work better with mobile devices. As always, make sure you check put the 100+ images at the link below.

All can be found here and are 100% free:

Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!

Polar Bear Shaking Off

This image is one of a series where this big 'ole Polar Bear emerged from a snow bank and decided to take a stroll around our Polar Rover. He had already brushed off once, so I really wasn't expecting it when he paused for a moment mid-stride and gave a giant shake! He looked like a big dog just coming out of a bath – a snow bath in this instance! My favorite part…(More)

Silent Stargazers (great for mobile devices)

Winter in Bryce Canyon, Utah. It's cold. Like 20 degrees below zero, but it felt like more like forty below from an aggressive wind biting at your face. And I decide it might be fun to go out and shoot some star photos :) Fortunately, I had plenty of arctic gear with me and that made all the difference in the world. My hands were always cold from... (More)

Goose Fight

It was a snowy day and I was bored. Winter was almost over and spring hadn't yet sprung – it was brown and boring. The nature photographer's doldrums. Oh well, I needed out get out so I figured I'd check out the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area and see if there was anything interesting going on. 45 minutes later I was there – and as I feared... (More)

For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to:

As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!

Photo Tips

Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out:

You can also view the current newsletter and archives online at

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ISSN: 1529-336X
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If you would like to reproduce this publication, or any part of it, in any other publication, be it web based or otherwise, you must contact us for permission. Any unauthorized re-distribution will be considered a copyright infringement and grounds for a lawsuit.

Finally, you agree to try any advice contained or suggested in this newsletter at your own risk.

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