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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Merlin from Salt Lake City writes: I heard on the national news that 95% of the ATM's on the USA are running Windows XP and most have or making special deals with Microsoft to extend the April deadline. Sense this seems to be so, is that going to leave the rest of consumer and business owners "SOL"? Sure seems so, like they're gonna make ga-zillions by forcing us to go to W7 or hopefully W8/8.1. Merlin, the April deadline has not been extended. Microsoft is offering special extended support for banks and other while they make the transition to a newer operating systems, but these companies are paying a hefty price for the support and it's only intended as a temporary measure while they make that transition. Custom support will not be offered unless the company has a plan for migrating from XP in place. Custom support will run companies millions of dollars a year. According to one report an IT manager said his company quoted a price of $1 million dollars for the first year of support, $2 million for the second year and $5 million for the third year. Microsoft is ending support for Windows XP after 13 years on April 8, 2014. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Super Cool TwistTurn Lexar 4GB Flash Drive! No More Losing That Cap - EVER AGAIN!
4 Gigantic Gigs Of Storage!!
All I can say is WOW! Did we score a deal for you! One of our suppliers gave us an absolutely mind-blowing deal on some 4GB TwistTurn Lexar Flash Drives! We're talking a whoppin' 4 GB worth of storage for less than $5 ! Think about this - these can hold the same amount of data as not 1, not 3, but 6 - count 'em 6 - CD-ROMS! Heck, we're talking enough storage for 600 12MP images from your digital camera, 1000 MP3s, or 80,000 typical office documents! That's a lot of data!! No cap to lose either!! Just flip this baby closed and it's ready to be stored in your pocket, purse, backpack or anywhere! This one wil even fit on your keychain! Or wear it right around your neck! I don't know about you, but I can't live without my flash drives! I've used them for the typical "taking documents to the office" routine, but there's a TON of other uses too! Stick MP3s on 'em and listen to your favorite songs at work. Oh, and have you seen some of the newer car radios? They have USB plugs on 'em so Oh, and this is a really great way to take photos over to show off to family and friends! Just drag & drop your photos to it and plug it into any computer! Seems like I come up with new uses for these things all the time - you gotta grab 'em when the price is low like this - you know you're gonna need one soon! Again, these are just $4.97 and U.S. Shipping is FREE on orders over $5! For that kind of money, better grab a couple! Click the store link right now! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9569 Please note - this was a special promotion from one of our suppliers and the price on these will increase on Thursday !Grab yours ASAP - before the price goes back up to $9.97 !
Steven from Florida writes: Have been using XP since upgrading from Win2000. I recently got a Chromebook and wanted to ask if that operating system could possibly replace XP? That depends on what you mean by "replace" XP. If you're asking about installing the Chrome Operating System on your XP computer, the answer is no. Like Apple devices, the Chrome operating system come bundled with the hardware. You'll have to buy a Chromebook in order to run the operating system. Now, if what you mean is a Chromebook a viable replacement option for an XP computer, the answer can be yet. It depends on what you need your device to do. If you absolutely have certain Windows programs that you need to run, the answer is no. But if you are looking to surf the Internet, get e-mails and perform basic office functions and play games, yes it could work fine. Now you will not be able to run Microsoft Office or Outlook other than going to Outlook.com and using the Office apps. No Internet Explorer for you, either. A Chromebook is designed to be an Internet appliance much in the same way an Android tablet or iPad works, except your Chromebook comes in laptop form. If you don't like the cloud or an always on Internet connection, this is not the device for you. You can use the Chromebook offline for some things, but it really is meant to be connected to the Internet. You'll find apps for the Chromebook in the Chrome Web Store. Much like with a tablet, you may be able to find apps that perform most if not all of the tasks you use your XP machine for. But you are limited to downloading your apps from this store. But there is a price advantage in some cases. You can find a starter Chromebook around the $200 mark, though fancier models may run you almost $2000. Chromebooks, tablets and even smartphones are viable alternatives to the expense of buying a new PC. Depending on your needs, any of these device could be an adequate replacement for a traditional PC. Also, the basis of a Chromebook is the Linux operating system. So, if you enjoy the Chromebook interface, you might want to consider replacing XP with Linux either completely or using a dual-boot system with your XP Internet connection disabled. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Android Rejection Messages It happens you're driving, shoveling snow, or in a heated argument with your significant other over who played "Higgins" on Magnum P.I.. Whatever the case, sometimes you just can't tear yourself away to take a call. Don't worry, Android's OS has got you covered with a host of call rejection text messages! You can even add your own! Let's take a look: Tap your Settings Icon>Call>Set up call rejection messages To learn more about setting up rejection messages, just click WorldStart! Thunderbird 17 Settings In Windows 7 Bob from Australia writes: My OS is Windows 7. I am using Thunderbird 17. When I send an email a copy doesn't go into the Sent folder like it used to. Answer: Thunderbird 17 is the latest version and is faster, more flexible, and has greater security features than the older versions. It offers many advantages over other mail clients, such as archiving, storing sent emails and junk mail classification. First, of all check your broadband connection to make sure that is working perfectly. Most people tend to forget to do that. If your connection is fine, then check to see if you have set up the archiving files so that the sent message have been archived in the sent box. There is no "native" ability that allows you to recall a message once it has left your email box to the recipient. It is a good idea to recheck your format folder, just to make sure that the HTML is working perfectly. If all of this fails, then with Thunderbird you may have to go deeper and try the following: Head on over to WorldStart for more of this tip! Patricia writes: I am disappointed that you at WorldStart seem to have a flip, cavalier attitude about the genuine hardship being posed for some people by the end of support for Windows XP. Changing computers is a nightmare for me. I have years of critical records on my XP computer. They came from my DOS computer to my Windows 3.1 computer to my Windows 95 computer to my current XP computer. Every move is more difficult than the one before. It is many hours of work to move all the data, and to reinstall the successive generations of software, or find work-arounds, to access the data. The costs are not only the hardware, and usually at least some new software, but also the hundreds of dollars in bench time at my local guru to rebuild everything. So, you ask, "Why don't you do the change yourself? That would be free." Not exactly. I am probably capable of learning to do it, but I provide care and care management for a severely disabled relative who can never be left alone. My partner volunteers a few hours a week, and there is a part-time nursing attendant. But I am responsible for 18-21 hours a day of care. My whole "other life" has to fit into the time that's left. So, is it better to pay the local guru for the work, or pay overtime for the nursing attendant so I can sit home (messing) around with a computer? You tell me. Patricia, we have certainly never intended to be flip or cavalier about the end of XP. We fully recognize that switching operating systems can be time consuming and expensive. Although I do think that as the deadline to the end of XP support approaches, we are being pretty blunt about things. There's nothing we can do about Microsoft's decision to end security and but patches for Windows XP on April 8 except warn XP users of what's coming and honestly tell them about their options if they want to stay safe. I have tried to explain some of Microsoft's reasoning behind ending support, and that has ticked off several people. But whether it's because they are greedy or XP has outlived its usefulness doesn't really matter. Support is ending and users will have to make some changes to compute safely. And if we seem to be getting blunter about the situation as the deadline nears, it's because I'm a little alarmed that a lot of people just don't seem to be taking it seriously. I know that those important records that you've taken great care to preserve all these years matter to you, and I don't want to see anything happen to them because of a virus. All I can ask is that no one shoot the messenger. Let's go over options for the end of XP support: Want more? Go to WorldStart! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
FlapMMO Flappy Bird was an game app that became and instant, addictive success. Now you can play it online and with other people. FlapMMO offers the same addicting game play only in your web browser and with multi-player. When you load into the page, you'll start by typing in what you want your flappy bird to be called. Next to the name box, you'll find two buttons: Change Theme and Change Party. If you want to change the background and type of jumper you play click the Change Theme button, and then then select one of the three available themes: classic, underwater, and what looks to me like bloodstream. Change Party will let you name your party something so your friend can enter it in to join. So if you wanted to join my party, you'd click the Change Party button and then type in Rawr, and then click the Join button. Playing the game is both easy and hard at the same time which is why I believe it is so addicting. All you have to do is press any key on the keboard or click your mouse to start the game. Continue pressing the button you choose repeatedly so the flappy bird doesn't drop to the bottom and die, or hit a pipe and die. If that happens you'll have to start over! You can also get this for Android devices, but I've read that a lot of people have a problem with lag and it being upside down. So I'd stick to the web version. I've only made it past the second pipe and I'm still ridiculously addicted, so you've been warned! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
From PC to Phone And Back! Moving Files Off Your Phone Just Got EASY! Finally - Get Those Pictures, Videos, And More! Your Phone Won't Have Them Trapped Anymore! Check Out ThisAmazing New Flash Drive! Micro-USB On One End, Regular USB On The Other! Plug It Into Any Mobile Devices OR Computer! And We've Got 2 Sizes To Choose From!
A Frustrating Task Made Simple! Have you ever tried to get your data OFF your phone? IT'S LIKE THE PHONE IS TRYING TO TRAP IT INSIDE! Not only is it a pain to have to connect your phone to your PC just to transfer, finding the files is just as bad! (And let's not get into hoping your computer recognizes what you're trying to DO with your phone, instead of just trying to update or charge it) You can't even transfer over WiFi without paying for an app! THAT'S RIDICULOUS! Fear not, because I just found the GREATEST device ever made for computers, smartphones, and tablets: The Porto Smartphone USB Flash Drive! It works on computers. It works on Android phones. It even works on Android TABLETS! Plug it in. Save your data. Transfer it ANYWHERE! If you have photos/videos on your phone, this baby will let you get them on your PC in no time! No cords, no weird software, no hunting for files... just save your pictures to the flash drive & plug it into your PC! THAT'S IT! The genius is in the simple design! It's a standard USB connector on one end, and a micro-USB connector on the other! (Everyone in the world just went "Oh man, I should've thought of that!") If you've ever used a card reader for your memory cards because you were tired of hooking your camera up to your computer... this is kinda like that, except even BETTER! It's just like a flash drive. That means it's simple, fast, and AWESOME! All you have to do is plug it in to the device you're using and move the files onto it! Drag & drop - it doesn't get easier than that! Now you can finally get all your photos and videos off your phone to share them on your computer! But this isn't a one-way street! If you're trying to get music, or maybe a movie on your phone or tablet? It's JUST as easy! Simply plug this flash drive into your computer, drag the files into it, and then connect it to your mobile device!
BAM! INSTANT ACCESS TO THE FILES YOU WANTED! I can't tell you how excited I am about this! I absolutely HATED data transfers between my mobile devices and my computer. It was ALWAYS a pain... not anymore! "Hey, Does It Work Like a Flash Drive Too?" Absolutely! If you don't need to transfer some data right now, you can use it as extra storage! But it STILL works with everything for that! 32 extra gigs is a LOT, especially on a smartphone or tablet! Those devices don't come with a lot of storage... so you're increasing storage by up to 50%! Squeeze some extra music on your phone even though the internal storage is full! Keep a backup of your PC's most important documents and photos! It's all up to you! This device does EVERYTHING and it makes it look so easy! Hold Onto Your Jaw... ...because it's about to hit the floor! These incredible one-of-a-kind flash drives start at ONLY $32.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! And the larger, 16GB model is even CHEAPER! Click the links below to check them out! Easy, fast, amazing, and CHEAP? Quick, get one (or two!) at the link below, before they're all gone! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9579 - for the 32GB Model http://store.worldstart.com/product/9579 - for the 16GB Model *LOW QUANTITY ALERT* I'd hate for anyone to miss out on these, so I gotta warn you... I wasn't able to get many! Make sure to hop on it before they're gone, and definitely before they go up to $38.97 Thursday !!
March Wallpaper Is Ready! Here it is - our free desktop calendar wallpaper for March! I've decided I've had enough of winter, so here's a few that remind us of the warmer times to come. Enjoy! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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