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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Apple Trims iPhone Return Policy Apple has cut the time in which you have to change your mind about buying that new iPhone from 30 days to 14. This is more in line with the return policies on other Apple products. Customers are still liable for early termination fees for their contract with the carrier as well. OneNote For Macs On The Way Word is that Microsoft is planning on releasing a free version of its versatile OneNote program for Macs. Currently OneNote is part of Office, but the company is looking to make it available free for both Mac and Windows. Let me tell you, it's good news. OneNote is an incredibly versatile and useful tool. I have it on my PC and my Android Phone. Congress Looking For Internet Sales Tax Alternative The chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee says the House needs to find an alternative to the The Marketplace Fairness Act, a law that requires online retailer to charge sales tax to customers based on where they live. Representative Bob Goodlatte admitted that Congress didn't necessarily think through how retailers were supposed to pay for installing and running software to keep track of the taxes. One option would be that the seller would charge taxes based on the seller's location. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Could One Collection POSSIBLY Contain... Every WorldStart Special Report Ever Made... Every Edition of 2012's Tech Tips Monthly... Nearly ALL Of Our Guides, How-Tos, and More... AND ONLY COST $16.97?! YES IT CAN! AND IT'S FINALLY HERE! Over 4000 Pages Of Tech News, Tips, And Information! This Is Over a $140 Value For A FRACTION of The Price! It's Nearly Everything We've Got On 1 DVD or Flash Drive! Only at WorldStart!
You Asked For It, HERE IT IS! I don't think there's a day that goes by without someone asking me "Hey Steve, why can't I get your Tech Tips, Special Reports, or How-To Guides on a physical disk or flash drive to keep with me?" Well, NOW YOU CAN! This is everything and the kitchen sink thrown into one MASSIVE collection that's just BURSTING at the seams! In fact, I could BARELY fit it on a disk! After all, when you're talking about nearly 2000 Tech Tips articles and all of our special reports... well, it's obviously a LOT to squeeze into one! First off, it has EVERY special report you could ever want! Jus take a look at this insane list! 1. WorldStart's Internet Security Survival Guide ($12.97 Value) Our most popular report EVER! It teaches you everything you need to know so that you can keep your PC safe and protected while you surf the Internet's highways, byways, and back alleys! It is filled to the BRIM with priceless and valueable tips, tricks, and knowledge to keep you and your information secure. (This one guide ALONE makes the whole collection worth it! It costs nearly the same by itself, but you get it as part of the WHOLE package deal when you pickup the collection! TALK ABOUT A SAVINGS!) 2. Outlook.com 101 ($8.97 Value) Learn everything you need to know to get the most out of Outlook.com! Featuring step-by-step instructions and informative images, you'll unlock the full potential of Outlook.com and make using it a breeze! 3. Cloud Computing ($8.97 Value) You keep hearing about the mysterious "Cloud", right? Well, we've got ALL the details you've been trying to find! From learning about what the Cloud is, to figuring out how it's going to help you, this special report has it all! 4. Android How-To Guide ($8.97 Value) Android tablets and phones are EVERYWHERE... and there's no good documentation for them (especially since they're all so different!) We've got all the basics in one convenient guide so that you can use your device with confidence! 5. Ultimate Freeware Guide ($8.97 Value) There's SO much free software out there, why are you paying big bucks for complicated software you might not need? The freeware guide has EVERYTHING you need to get 99% of those specific tasks done FOR FREE! 6. Ultimate Shortcut List ($4.97 Value) Go to file, drag down to this menu, click that, then click here... that's a lot of steps! Did you know you could just press one combination of keys to accomplish the same task? If there's a shortcut, this guide is there to show you how to take advantage of it! Speed up your PC usage one key at a time! 7. Ultimate eBay Guide ($4.97 Value) Your house is FULL of money... you just haven't started selling off all that stuff you don't use anymore! Our guide gives you the inside scoop on how to get started with eBay so you can turn your junk into CASH! 8. Electronic Buyer's Guide ($4.97 Value) Shopping for electronics can be intimidating! That's why we broke down the important things you need to know before you committ big bucks into those devices! Don't go shopping without it! 9. Amanda's Cool Sites Best of 2012 ($4.97 Value) What's better than Amanda's Cool Sites? A TON of them in one! This collection in a collection gives you all of Amanda's coolest sites from 2012 so you can find all sorts of great new web sites! 10. AND EVERY TECH TIPS MONTHLY FROM 2013! ($69.58 Value) Over 2000 total tips spread across an entire YEAR'S worth of Tech Tips Monthly e-magazines! And that's just a quick look at some of these INCREDIBLE in-depth reports! This is practically a WorldStart Encyclopedia at your fingertips! Just a few of these reports by themselves would cost you $20! And that's for a digital version that you have to download! I put them ALL on one disk (or flash drive) that you can keep with you ALL THE TIME to use when you need it! Not only is this the FIRST time we've ever put all these reports on physical media... it's ALL content you cannot find anywhere else but WorldStart! Seriously, take a second look at that list! This is a TON of content! It covers almost everything you'd ever want to know when it comes to technology, computers, Internet security, and more! If you read through every report in this collection, you're practically qualified as a technology teacher! One Amazing Collection - One UNBELIEVABLE Deal! Okay, wait until you hear this one! THE WHOLE THING IS ONLY $16.97 with FREE US SHIPPING for the DVD! And if you want the flash drive instead, it's still only $23.97! It's a little more, but you can reuse this 8GB flash drive for whatever you want! (Just a side note: this collection even includes the Internet Security Survival Guide! Not only is it a MUST-READ for all computer users, it's NEVER been free or included in any collection before! The cost of this ENTIRE COLLECTON is practically the same as that ONE important guide - yeah, this deal is THAT amazing!) http://store.worldstart.com/product/9547 - For the DVD version! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9548 - For the Flash Drive version!
ALERT! ATTENTION! You gotta read this! Premium Members get an ULTRA-SPECIAL discount of 70% off the DVD on this one! In fact, with a Premium Membership being only $12.99... you'd be CRAZY not to grab one before adding this collection to your cart! It's practically the same exact price... with a MOUNTAIN of benefits! Grab a Premium Membership at the link below before adding the collection to your cart! http://store.worldstart.com/product/5895
Lore from Charlotte, NC writes: I have Windows 7 and was using Internet Explorer 10. An update showed up and I accidently downloaded it. It was for IE 11 for Windows 7 for 64 based System. Big mistake. Now I can not copy/paste. I used it all the time to send things to my daughter who helps this old lady with things I see or read on computer. Apparently the dumb download I did messed things up at least for copy pasting. Can you help ??? I love your newsletter and all its tips. Thank you. I'm not sure if your copy/past issue is just in IE 11 or applies to any program in your computer. If the issue is IE 11, we can try a couple of things. If you need to copy/paste something ASAP, try switching to another browser like Firefox or Google Chrome. You can download either one for free and if IE is the issue, you'll at least have your copy/paste function back until we can troubleshoot the issue. Microsoft offers a free tool to fix issues with Internet Explorer. Click here to run it and see if that helps. Another thing we can try is disabling add-ons in Internet Explorer to see if one of them is causing the problem. In Windows 7 go to All Programs > Accessories > System Tools and select Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons.) A version of Internet Explorer without add-ons will open. If you can copy/past without issues, it's time to track down the add-ons that are giving you trouble. You'll want to shut the no add-ons version of Internet Explorer and open Internet Explorer back up. It's time search for the pesky add-on that's causing the problem. Select the gear symbol and choose Manage Add- Ons from the drop-down menu. Now for the fun. You go down the list of displayed add-ons one at a time and disable them. Check the sites you're having trouble with in Internet Explorer to see if they work. By process of elimination, you may be able to find the add-on causing the issue. You can also re-set IE 11 to see if that makes a difference. Choose Internet Options Then choose Advanced Options and select Reset. If that doesn't help, consider uninstalling IE 11 that will move you back to IE 10. You can then try re-installing 11 again. Now if we are talking about a larger issue with your computer not able to copy/paste at all check out this article. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Smart Doggy Door Keeps Your House Safe & Clean A new smart dog and cat door promises to keep your house safer and cleaner for a price. The Petwalk door could run you around $2000 if you get the larger size for dogs. But it does make a lot of promises. The makers of the system say it's thermally insulated and will keep drafts out of the house. The Petwalk works by reading a chip in your dog or cat's collar and automatically unlocks to let your pet in or your pet in or out when it approaches the door. You can set the time to keep the door locked at certain times, preventing your pet from going out or coming in. It also claims to prevent the problem... Learn more by clicking on WorldStart!
DH from US writes: Comment on Outlook oddity: I opened an Outlook email account months ago. I could sign in without problem for the first couple of weeks, but since then, I've been blocked out. Out of curiosity, I try to sign in once every few weeks, and ALWAYS get, "You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect email address or password" on my first try. That doesn't make sense. DH, you might have made a typo when trying to sign into your account and were blocked after a few tries, or someone else may have been trying to get into your account and prompted that message. Most e-mail accounts will lock an account after several unsuccessful attempts to gain access. Whatever the cause, it's time for you to reset that password. Go to the log in screen for your Outlook.com account and select... Want more? Head on over to WorldStart!
Friday Funnies Cartoon used with permission For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
ControlC Have you ever wondered if there was a way you could browse your Clipboard history? Well now there is a way to browse it conveniently from your browser. Just download and install ControlC! Once it is installed, the first thing it will ask you to do is to set a password to encrypt your data with. Choose something you'll remember and click Set Password. Then you'll go to your desktop and open the program. It will load in your browser and ask for your password. Enter it, and you'll be ready to browse your clipboard data. There will be a search field at the top of the page. If you haven't copied (control + c) any information then the entries will be blank. I did a test, and copied and pasted the tags for an article, and then clicked the Go button to see if it would find it. And it did! If you click the Advanced button at the top of the page, it will take you to an array of other settings. You'll find a tab for Advanced Search Settings, Settings, and Blacklist. Advanced Search Settings will let you define how you search, what types of files will come up in a search, as well as searching by time period, and even url. Settings offers you the option to change the way ControlC looks. The drop down box for Admin Theme offers you ten different themes you can use. I'm rather fond of Chocolate Mint. It also lets you choose how things are displayed, and how long it stores the text, files, and images in the database. The default setting is 2 weeks. \ Blacklist lets you add programs to the list that you don't want included in the database of your history. Go check it out for yourself today! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
Super Cool TwistTurn Lexar 4GB Flash Drive! No More Losing That Cap - EVER AGAIN!
4 Gigantic Gigs Of Storage!!
All I can say is WOW! Did we score a deal for you! One of our suppliers gave us an absolutely mind-blowing deal on some 4GB TwistTurn Lexar Flash Drives! We're talking a whoppin' 4 GB worth of storage for less than $5 ! Think about this - these can hold the same amount of data as not 1, not 3, but 6 - count 'em 6 - CD-ROMS! Heck, we're talking enough storage for 600 12MP images from your digital camera, 1000 MP3s, or 80,000 typical office documents! That's a lot of data!! No cap to lose either!! Just flip this baby closed and it's ready to be stored in your pocket, purse, backpack or anywhere! This one wil even fit on your keychain! Or wear it right around your neck! I don't know about you, but I can't live without my flash drives! I've used them for the typical "taking documents to the office" routine, but there's a TON of other uses too! Stick MP3s on 'em and listen to your favorite songs at work. Oh, and have you seen some of the newer car radios? They have USB plugs on 'em so Oh, and this is a really great way to take photos over to show off to family and friends! Just drag & drop your photos to it and plug it into any computer! Seems like I come up with new uses for these things all the time - you gotta grab 'em when the price is low like this - you know you're gonna need one soon! Again, these are just $4.97 and U.S. Shipping is FREE on orders over $5! For that kind of money, better grab a couple! Click the store link right now! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9569 Please note - this was a special promotion from one of our suppliers and the price on these will increase on Saturday !Grab yours ASAP - before the price goes back up to $9.97 !
March Wallpaper Is Ready! Here it is - our free desktop calendar wallpaper for March! I've decided I've had enough of winter, so here's a few that remind us of the warmer times to come. Enjoy! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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