11 X-Men That Could Become Four Horsemen In Apocalypse Subscribe Now! ► http://bit.ly/SubClevverMovies Ever since the end credits teaser in X-Men: Days of Future Past, comic book fans have speculated about which mutants could take on the role of Apocalypse's Four Horseman while non-comic book fans have been wondering "who was that pale kid, and why doesn't he go get a tan?" Well, to answer the second question, that sun deprived kid was En Sabah Nur, otherwise known as Apocalypse. He's the first and most powerful mutant, basically ever, and he wants nothing more than to take over the world. Why? Because that's what villains do, of course! Now, the first question is a little trickier, but today we're taking a look at 11 characters that could end up becoming the Four Horsemen or Apocalypse. For More Clevver Visit: Like us on Facebook: http://Facebook.com/ClevverMovies Follow us on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/ClevverMovies Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver ... ( More) |
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