Sunday, October 19, 2014

Digest The Red Ferret Journal - gadgets, cool sites, freeware and tech trivia - 21 new articles


The Red Ferret Journal - gadgets, cool sites, freeware and tech trivia - 21 new articles

In This Issue...

NapAnywhere – at last a neck pillow that actually works?


Traveling is fun, but it can also be a bit of a drag if you’re going long distance and are forced to sleep en route. The problem is there’s no comfortable way to snooze on a plane, bus or car, even with one of the typical head pillows you can buy at terminals all over the world. But now an enterprising doctor thinks he’s got a solution.

The NapAnywhere is a clever little foldable neck rest [...]

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iShoe UV Sanitizer – keeping your feet fresh and sweet using the power of light


We have 250,000 sweat glands on each foot, which are capable of pushing out two cups of perspiration a day. That’s a lot of water to be sloshing around in, no wonder our feet can come home smelling a little bit rank. But of course smell is only one effect, we can also get fungus and other attacks from this warm, wet environment, which is why it’s best to keep our tootsies as fresh and [...]

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MIITO – the end of the electric kettle as we know it?


We collectively waste a huge amount of energy heating up our drinks every day. In fact there’s a theory that one day of extra energy use from over-filling electric kettles is enough to light all the street lights in England for a night. Scary. But now an enterprising design team has come up with an idea to do away with the conventional kettle completely, and so save massive amounts of this wasted energy.

MIITO is an [...]

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Narwhal USB Heated Plush Slippers – beating back cold weather, one cute foot at a time

Narwhal USB Heated Plush Slippers

The news has already started reporting on the second coming of the Polar Vortex for 2015. It's October, so it isn't too far away. I'm getting chills just thinking about it, and not good chills either. These are chills of fear and phantom cold. But then I look at the Narwhal USB Heated Plush Slippers and think maybe it won't be so bad.

These Narwhal slippers are extremely cute! [...]

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WhoSampled – the app that gives you the guts of sampled songs [Freeware]

WhoSampled logo

Everyone's had that moment when they've listened to a brand new song and thought, "Hey, I've heard that beat before!' Or maybe it was the chorus. Not the whole song, just a sample of something. WhoSampled is the free app that lets you discover and track who is sampling who.

WhoSampled is like the music genome map but instead of telling you what artists are most like the artist you're listening to, [...]

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The Vamp – turn any old speaker into a Bluetooth speaker for your phone or tablet


Most of us probably have an old speaker from an ancient stereo system lying around in a basement or attic, just waiting for a fashion/tech comeback. Even though, deep down, we know that’s not gonna happen. Now we don’t have to wait, because with The Vamp, we can convert that old has-been speaker into something glorious.

Just attach The Vamp to your elderly speaker using the supplied cables (or plug it in directly with its own [...]

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Dollar Firelighters – impress your friends and family with some serious 1% attitude


When it comes to impressing people, nothing speaks louder than cash. More specifically your casual attitude to all things money. And what better way to show your scorn for all your minion friends scrabbling to earn a decent crust, than to burn a stash to get the BBQ going?

These Dollar Firelighters look like a nicely rolled wad of dollar notes, and when you light it to get your fire going, people are going to be [...]

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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives – 114 years of 'progress' in a very cool video cascade


Hey, you know all this stuff we’ve got around us now, like the gadgets, healthcare and incredible advances in transport? Well they all started somewhere, and if you’re at all interested in watching the people who kind of made our modern world happen, you should definitely pop over to this How Technology Has Changed Our Lives site. Be warned though, it’s a bit addictive, so make sure you’ve got some free time.

The site basically serves [...]

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Yondr – new service promises an end to fan phone videos at concerts


If you're looking for a song on YouTube, chances are you'll find at least 50 blurry videos captured by cell phones at a concert and posted by fans. If you go to a show it's likely you'll see a sea of cell phone screens pointed at the stage by people who are clearly more interested in videoing than engaging in the performance right then and there. Well now there's a company which [...]

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Re-Timer Light Therapy Glasses – new LED glasses reduce jet lag and winter blues after just 30 minutes use a day


Light Therapy is a well established method of helping people who suffer from the winter blues (otherwise known as SAD or seasonal affective disorder). The idea is you sit in front of a bright natural daylight lamp every day to normalize your melatonin and help regulate the mood changes that come from shorter days and less access to sunlight. But now there’s a new product which promises to make it more efficient all round.

Re-Timer Light [...]

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Toilet Phone – sorry, too many jokes available … please try later


So occasionally we come across products which we feel you should know about, even if we don’t actually understand their reason for existence. This is one such product. We’d just like to know which synapse challenged marketing suit decided that creating a Toilet Phone would be a great idea? Do you think they had a long discussion about it? What color it would be? Size?

Did they chuckle a lot as they designed the final shape? [...]

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4.7 Meter Electric Bike – wacky Chinese electric bicycle vies for Guinness world record


You’ve got to hand it to the clever Chinese, they know how to enjoy themselves in a collective way. Just look at this very cosy 4.7 Meter Electric Bicycle, which can hold up to 9 people comfortably as it presumably stutters along the road. We say presumably because we’re wondering how many batteries you need to haul that amount of cargo on just two wheels?

The e for elongated e-bike is actually a stunt for an [...]

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Hand Carved Periodic Table Cutting Board – show off your geek chops in the kitchen


Hey, just because you’re the designated chef du life at the moment, doesn’t mean you have to lose hold of what makes you special. Like that fondness for bacon flavored ice-cream or the obsession with the chemical components of your food.

Now you can indulge all that and more with this very cool handmade wooden Hand Carved Periodic Table Wooden Cutting Board, which will say more about your inner being than you can imagine. Each board [...]

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iFingerLock Fingerprint Biometric Padlock – don't worry about losing your keys because your fingers are the keys


If you have something really private or precious that you don’t want to lose, like a rare collection of Pokémon cards or classic magazines in mint condition, then you should definitely invest in some secure locks. Not your average key locks though, instead get something more technologically advanced.

Like the iFingerLock Fingerprint Biometric Padlock to give you some extra security and peace of mind. This sturdy lock uses your fingerprints as an unlocking key. Every [...]

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Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro – amazing pencil thin 2 in 1 convertible laptop tablet delivers the best of all worlds [Review]


Convertible laptop tablet computers are all the rage nowadays, spurred on by reducing prices and improved specifications. Why would you not want the best of both worlds, a laptop computer with the power to run Windows and games, and a tablet computer which gives you touchscreen ease of use for browsing and entertainment? Now the king of the convertibles, Lenovo, has come out with its latest in its Yoga range, and it’s an amazing piece [...]

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DSLR Bank – a great way to save for your accessories if you're a photography fan


Is there a photography nut in your family, or do you have a friend who’s trying to build up their camera gear to go pro? Then help them out by giving them a way to save up for the thing they want with this cute little toy.

The DSLR Bank is a money box which is cutely shaped like a full blown digital SLR camera lens. In fact the piggy bank is shaped exactly like a [...]

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EVDA Anon Private Browser TOR – the perfect way to keep your browsing secure on your Android smartphone [Freeware]


Keeping your affairs private is something that’s important to many people, and not just because they’re doing something wrong. It can be as simple as stopping villains stealing your ID to staying safe in a hostile dictatorship country, and it can be serious stuff. So it’s always good when more tools come on to the market to help people stay safe.

This EVDA Anonymous Private Browser TOR uses the mighty encrypted TOR network to protect your [...]

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OffGrid Solar Backpack – go off grid, stay connected


The OffGrid Solar Backpack is (probably) the most versatile backpack you'll ever see. This is not the book bag you get for your darling first grader. Unless that kid is some sort of techno wiz or super geek.

This is the book bag that the Gargoyles from Snow Crash would have worn (if you don't get that reference, you should definitely check out the book). What makes this product special, is the fact [...]

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Apollo Dress Shirt – high tech shirt gives you astronaut style temperature control


Maybe you wanted to be an astronaut when you were younger but instead you ended up working in an office because fate is a cruel mistress. But with the ultra high technology Ministry of Supply's Apollo Dress Shirt you can at least pretend.

This is probably the most geeky dress shirt that you'll ever see. At first glance it looks like a normal dress shirt. Just a button down shirt like any other. [...]

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Portable Voice Clarifying TV Speaker – now you can hear the words you keep missing


What is it about modern televisions and the spoken dialog on shows? Everyone seems to be focused on big boom box type sounds, with heavy bass for the explosions etc, but there’s not a lot of attention being paid to actually hearing what the actors say during the shows, which means it’s easy to miss important things simply because your TV won’t pick up dialog audio properly.

This Portable Voice Clarifying TV Speaker is designed to [...]

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Sensor Sense – easily access what your phone sensors see in real time [Freeware]


Your smartphone can capture a lot more information from its environment than you can. It can sense what the sound levels are, your exact long & lat location, the light levels where you are, gravity, magnetics, temperature and more. So wouldn’t it be nice to be able to quickly scan one or more of these readings to see what’s going on?

Sensor Sense is a free app which lets you do just that. It’s actually doing [...]

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