CIA Methods of Torture

CIA Knew Interrogation Techniques Were Illegal, Asked DOJ for Immunity from Prosecution

CIA Torture Program Cost Well Over $300 Million, Including Millions in Cash to Foreign Government Officials to Host Clandestine Detention Sites

Innocent People Detained and Tortured

More Waterboarding, and More Brutal, Than Previously Known

"Waterboard" is mentioned 275 times in the report, which is technically just a "summary" of the official, classified report.
Gul Rahman Froze to Death After Being Made to Sit on a Concrete Floor Without Pants

"Rectal Rehydration/Feeding," Threats to Rape and Kill Detainees' Mothers

On At Least 2 Occasions, CIA Conducted "Mock Executions" of Prisoners

CIA Officer Played "Russian Roulette" with Prisoner

"[CIA Officer 2] Placed a Pistol Near al-Nashiri's Head and Operated a Cordless Drill Near al-Nashiri's Body"

In 20-Day Period, Abu Zubaydah Spent 11 Days-2 Hours in Coffin Size Box and 29 Hours in 2.5 Foot Box

KSM Sleep Deprivation for 180 Hours

Torturing Detainees with Broken and Prosthetic Legs

Torture Tactics Caused Detainees to Develop Psychosis, Leading to Hallucinations, Paranoia and Attempts to Self-Mutilate

Janat Gul Tortured for Months Based on a False Accusation Made Under Duress by Another Prisoner

CIA Interrogators Got Tired of Torturing Abu Zubaydah, So They Put Him in Isolation and Took a 47-Day Vacation

The Rough Takedown


Psychologists Played Key Role in Torture Program, Then Profited Greatly

CIA Detained/Tortured 2 Foreigners Working for a "Partner Government" Allied with Agency

CIA Prison Site Known as COBALT Described as a "Dungeon," Detainees Shackled with "Only a Bucket to Use for Human Waste"

Federal Bureau of Prisons Staff Were "WOW'ed" by the Depravity of COBALT Prison

Torture a Huge Net Minus in Terms of Actually Gathering Intelligence

Destruction of "Zero Dark Thirty" Scenario, Torture Did Not Provide Information That Led to Finding Osama bin Laden

Torture Used to Extract False Information to Justify Iraq War

Former National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice Deeply Involved in Evaluating Use of Waterboarding and "Staged Burial"

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden Repeatedly Misled Congress About Degree and Extent of Torture

"Israeli Example" and "Ticking Time Bomb" Scenario: CIA Cited Israel Supreme Court Rulings to Justify Torture

Mainstream Media Role in Torture

White House Withheld Approximately 9,400 CIA Torture Documents from Senate

h/t Glenn Greenwald/TheIntercept/Jason Leopold/VICE/Matt Taibbi/RollingStone/Spencer Ackerman/Gregory Krieg/PolicyMic/JohnSifton/JustSecurity/WashingtonPost/Haaretz
Glenn Greenwald & Edward Snowden Remarks:

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War Criminal Remarks:
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