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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! VLC will play almost any audio or video file and can also let you stream video to your tablet. It includes a media library that allows you to browse for music and videos in folders. I highly recommend this app. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
If you own a tablet or smartphone, you PROBABLY have an Android. Times have changed and you absolutely CAN'T exist without having a smartphone now... but they're SO confusing, right? If you can't figure out the homescreen, the touchscreen, the WiFi, That's what this Android guide is for! Compiling all the information in my brain plus the brains of my top tech experts here at WorldStart, our Android 101 guide is over 130 pages and 15 chapters of critical Android tips, tricks, and other things you HAVE to know! Right on the product information page, there's a FULL rundown of every chapter and a quick summary of what it'll teach you! I highly recommend checking it out! By the end of this guide, you WILL know how to use your Android device. Period. While I can't go into detail about everything this guide has (it's just so much information) but I can give you a sneak peek at just what you'll be finding out! First off... There's a whole introduction to just exactly what Android is. You'll learn what you tablet or phone can do. And what it can't. But that's just the beginning (literally!) How about USING your tablet or phone? Android devices don't operate with a keyboard and mouse. You use gestures! You may know how to activate an app by tapping on it, but do you know you can zoom in or out on almost any webpage with one universal gesture? You'll learn ALL these tricks and more! Don't let a SINGLE feature of your Android device go to waste! Use this guide to make sure you're getting ALL the benefits of what has to be the most significant technology this century so far! The long version is, well, just WAY too long. The short version? - Your homescreen, what it is, and how to customize it. - Apps for EVERYTHING, from e-mail to games to music and more. We even have a whole chapter dedicated to app recommendations! - Managing your files, your settings, widgets, and more! When it comes to Android, customizing is king! With my tips you'll have a device that feels perfectly suited to you and your needs! - And who could forget video calling, a live calendar, and even SECURITY! I cover it all. To learn more, you simply HAVE to check out the guide! WHEW! I feel like I've been going on and on forever! And remember, this is the SHORT description :) Whether you've had Android devices for a while, or at planning on taking the leap soon... PLEASE grab a copy of this guide! You won't find another guide out there that's both thorough and concise like this one. And DEFINITELY not at the monster deal I'm offering today: Just $8.97 for 134 pages of information, pictures, and video on how to use pretty much ANY Android device! Every bit of information in here came right from the minds of me and my tech team. And trust me, they know Android. If you go through this guide, it's practically impossible for you to have any questions on how to use Android! It covers EVERYTHING! Check out the link below to grab your digital copy TODAY for just $8.97 (this is a limited time price!) http://store.worldstart.com/product/10098 OR, if you'd prefer to have a copy of this guide sent to you on a BRAND NEW flash drive, you can get one for just $12.97! Not only will you get this WHOLE guide shipped to you on a nice flash drive, the flash drive itself can be kept and used for whatever you like! Talk about a bonus! http://store.worldstart.com/product/10108 - Click This Link For The FLASH DRIVE Version! PS - This is an introductory price - so grab your copy before the price goes up!
Dave writes: I need help! It seems like I'm sending dozens of repeat LinkedIn invitations to my friends and contacts. I certainly didn't mean to do it, I only intentionally sent out invitation to a select group of people I work with. Dave, it's not an unusual problem and the solution is not a pretty one. The issue probably started when you first joined LinkedIn and it asked if you wanted to sent an invitation to your contacts. If you purposely or accidentally said yes, your friends won't get just one invitation. They will get regular reminders until they accept or decline the invitation. Always take a close look at any option to send something to all of your contacts when signing up for a service or app. One click can cause your contacts to be flooded with things like game requests. There's a way to fix it, but it's not pretty or easy. You will need to withdraw each individual invitation. Go to this link https://www.linkedin.com/inbox/invitations/sent There will be a list of all the invitations sent by your account. Invitations that have been accepted with have (Accpeted) next to them. If it doesn't say accepted, it is still a pending invitation and you can withdraw. You may see a lot of names you don't recognize. When LinkedIn has permission to use contacts from your e-mail account, it will consider everyone who has ever sent you an e-mail a potential contact and issue invites to everyone in your inbox. Click on the name of the person and then select Withdraw. You'll need to open each invitation individually and click on the Withdraw option. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Use Puush To Capture & Share Screenshots: Part 1 When it comes to sharing screenshots, whether it be with friends or with customer support, the process of taking and sharing the screenshot can be a little cumbersome. The process usually involves selecting the window you have a problem with, pressing the Print Screen button to take a snapshot of the entire desktop (or ALT+Print Screen for just the active window), taking the screenshot to an image editor like Paint, pasting it inside, cropping the image to show the point of interest, saving the file to the desktop, and then sending the file to whoever needs it. A lot of steps for just sharing a picture! There is a much better way of sending screenshots, however. Puush is an app that can be downloaded for Windows, Mac and iPhone. It allows the user to create screenshots with little to no effort, uploads the screenshot to the puush cloud, and then gives a direct link to the screenshot to share. All you have to do is select where to screenshot, and the app will do the rest. So, let's check out puush, and see what you can do with this excellent app. First of all, head over to www.puush.me to download the application. Select from the Windows, Mac or iPhone options, depending on the operating system that you use. iPhone users can go to their App Store. Once you have installed puush, you will probably notice that not much is happening. That is because puush runs mostly on the taskbar. You can find the puush icon here. So, now that you have puush installed, what kind of screenshots can you take? Let's say I want to take a screenshot of the following scene on my desktop. Want more? Check out WorldStart!
Lloyd from Washington writes: I have a question about win XP,If win XP is so prone to attacks why did Microsoft allow it,to continue. I'm guessing that Sp 1,2,3 were just band aids.To me this is like driving a car with a flat tire,you know it's flat, but you continue any way saying I can still drive. When XP was introduced, it was a different online world . A system that was fairly secure for computing in 2001, isn't very secure these days. Computers have become more and more connected to the cloud and users spend more time online and are exposed to threats in ways that might not have been considered back when XP came out. I kind of like that tire analogy, so let's roll with that. That tire really didn't start to have trouble until a few years had gone by. Microsoft did keep patching that leaky tire for years with security patches. As far as "allowing" it to continue, they sold the operating system to people, they can't go around removing it from their computers. The company promises extended support for operating systems for 10 years beyond the date of release. Since XP came out in 2001, they've already extended the free tire patching 3 extra years because it was such a popular product. Just click WorldStart for more on this tip!
Add A Soft Glow With The Orton Effect I'm going to show you how to add the Orton Effect to your images using Photoshop. The Orton Effect adds a dreamy, glowing, misty effect to photos. It was originally created by Michael Orton for use with film images. Of course, these days, we can achieve the same effect with Photoshop with a lot less work. Many people see it as a special effect that you add to photos from time to time, but you can use it more than that if applied properly. The key is to use is subtly and only on selected areas of the image. Most of the time, you won't even notice it's there. And, of course, that's the whole idea. Let's open up Photoshop and start with the image below. If you're working with just one layer, we'll want to to duplicate layer to apply the Orton Effect. On a Mac hit... Just click WorldStart for more! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Gift Wrapping Tips And Tricks Today's cool site brings you eight handy tips and tricks for wrapping gifts this holiday season. Here are some of the highlights: Tip #1 gives you great ideas for getting creative with wrapping! Tip#3 gives you ideas for alternative wrapping paper. Y'know just in case you run out! Tip #6 suggests a handy use for post it notes! I can use this one for sure! There have been multiple Christmases where someone opened the wrong gift because I mislabeled it. Whoops! Not anymore! I'm going to implement this tip this year! They saved the best tip for last, #8 teaches you how to get perfect sides on your packages! For the full details and the other tips go check out this site! http://www.businessinsider.com/gift-wrapping-tips-and-tricks-2013-12 ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
Hey everyone, it's me, and I just found something REALLY cool, so I'm trying to get this out to you immediately! Okay, so these awesome lights just came into the office and I'm blown away! My supplier sent them special order knowing how much we like anything that lights up over here... and they guessed right that I'd love these too! First off, you just have to see them, because it's such an incredible "duh!" design that I can't believe I've never seen before! See here: It's a mobile light shaped like your typical lightbulb! Except this one is packed with a CRAZY powerful LED, comes with a 2" carabiner, and runs off batteries so it's portable! There's a reason they hang lightbulbs up in rooms and not flashlights - the bulb design spreads out light and gives you a wider field of illumination! One light bulb can light up an entire room that would take 10-15 flashlights aimed all over the place! That's why you're going to love this thing. Turn it on and EVERYTHING around you will light up. Even lanterns can't compete with the standard bulb design - it's simply the best! With a rubberized body you can hold it just like a standard mobile light, or you can use the carabiner to hold it up somewhere! You can actually use this to give any room an instant light that functions just like the real thing (without all the wiring and electric work!) And the best part is they're ONLY $3.97! These actually COMPLETELY sold out last week, so I've been begging my supplier to send us more... and they did! I don't know how long this second shipment will last, though, so make sure you get yours before they disappear - AGAIN! http://store.worldstart.com/product/10097
The featured desktop wallpaper for December is all set and ready to go. Check out the featured images below and stop by the site - hundreds to choose from. All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! PS - I also want to thank all the people who helped support the wallpaper with a voluntary contribution over the last few months. Your support helps to keep the wallpaper comin' every month! THANK YOU! http://www.backcountrygallery.com ~Steve
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