Sunday, January 11, 2015

Digest The Red Ferret Journal - gadgets, cool sites, freeware and tech trivia - 21 new articles


The Red Ferret Journal - gadgets, cool sites, freeware and tech trivia - 21 new articles

In This Issue...

Solar 7 Light Bulb – freely captured light when you need it, where you need it


There’s something gracefully elegant about this new Solar 7 Light Bulb product, but we can’t quite put our finger on it. It might be something to do with the fact that it looks almost, but not quite, like a conventional filament light bulb if you squint at it properly with one eye half closed.

Or it could be just the fact that you literally hang it out to re-charge, like you would do a row of [...]

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Suitsy – the comfy business suit onesie that says everything about your taste and style


Dress Down Fridays have proved that people feel less than comfortable in conventional business attire, which is probably why more and more firms are introducing these casual dress days to their calendar. It’s probably something to do with the ties and collars, or maybe it’s just the hassle of having to wear so many bits of clothing to maintain the proper appearance. But now there’s another way to do things.

The Suitsy is a very clever [...]

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Dakota Hotel and Flight Sim – could this be the coolest hotel and entertainment system combo in the world?


There are tons of interesting hotels located across the globe nowadays, some which are very beautiful indeed. And then there are the novelty hostels, like tree houses, tubes, caves and ice warrens which are designed to appeal to quirky travelers who have seen it all. Which is probably where this delightful Australian project sits to be honest.

This Dakota Hotel, situated some 300 miles south of Perth at a place known as the Lily Airstrip, has [...]

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ZestDesk – an affordable standing desk for everyone

zestdesk in use

Standing desks are hard to come by. Good ones anyway. The ZestDesk is an affordable and minimalist option for the most dedicated worker.

ZestDesk is a desk that sits on top of your current desk. The idea is to convert your current work space into a standing one rather than purchasing a whole brand new desk. Or table. Really, wherever you work, the ZestDesk works. It's an easy to pack away [...]

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Kano – the DIY computer that teaches you to code

Kano in the box

I love DIY project kits! I love them even more when they encourage kids to learn more about electronics than just how to turn them on. The Kano computer is a DIY computer that's designed to help children learn how to build and code.

We've seen build it yourself laptops but this is an actual computer, you'll have to provide your own monitor. This computer runs on Raspberry Pi and [...]

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Egloo – the terracotta eco-friendly heater system


It's getting cold out there! A nice heater can really make a difference but heating can be expensive and if you only need to heat a small room, wasteful. The Egloo is an eco-friendly heating alternative for people looking to bring a little warmth into their lives.

This isn't a new idea. People have been combing terracotta pots and candles to make heat since forever. It really works! It also has a habit [...]

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Gogoro – the world's first 'smart' scooter?


You’ve got to be pretty ambitious nowadays to even think of developing a new electric vehicle. Forget about the technology, it’s even things like coming up with names, how you’re going to market it, and all the boring stuff that takes such hard work. And this becomes massively more tricky when you try and implement a whole new platform. Which makes the new Gogoro electric scooter something of a titanic effort.

The team behind the new [...]

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Kube – classy cooler for classy parties


The Coolest Cooler raised some eyebrows and funds on Kickstarter proving that there was a need for a technological upgrade in cooler science. But if that one was too outdoors looking for you, then the Kube is here to be your cooler of choice. The Kube is a fashionable speaker and cooler system.

The Kube mostly looks like a Bluetooth speaker, which it is! It will play up to 20 hours on a [...]

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Swiss Tech Utili-Key 6-in-1 – a tool set for your key chain

swiss tech closed

It's good to be prepared for any situation. Multi-tools are the perfect way to be sure that you have the tool you need, no matter what the occasion. The Swiss Tech Utili-Key 6-in-1 is a light weight multi-tool that fits on your keychain.

This particular tool contains 6 tools that will get you through any minor disaster. A flat and Phillips head screwdriver as well as micro screwdriver (for fixing glasses!). [...]

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RescueTime – how much time are you spending on Candy Crush really?

RescueTime Chart

If one your New Year's resolution was to spend your time more wisely, there are a ton of apps out there to help you with that. Are you sure that you're not wasting a lot of hours on your phone though? RescueTime is a time tracking app for your phone that details how you spend your minutes, and not just on calls.

This is actually the app extension of software by the [...]

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Bluetooth Speaker Hat – warm ears meet cool sounds with zero hassles


There are times when tech just does good, know what we mean? Like when it solves the problems of mapping the genome, antilock brakes and seedless watermelons. But nothing really can compare with the sheer awesomeness of having warm ears while listening to your favorite sounds through the power of a bit of fabric and some wireless tech bits.

This Bluetooth Speaker Hat may not look like much, but it could herald the dawn of a [...]

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Lantern – does the world need another constant blanket data stream right now?


It looks like you can never have too much information, right? We’ve got teh Internets, 24/7, cable, satellite, terrestrial and IP TV, mobile internet, FM radio and even quaint text services if you know where to look. But it’s not enough. Apparently we need more.

Step up Lantern, which is the offshoot of an organization called Outernet. The New York based operation has been trialing the broadcast of over the air satellite transmissions of ‘news and [...]

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Rubik Solve – solve your impossible cube in less than 25 moves


An inevitable feature of technology is the fact that if it can do something, it will. And so it goes with moon landings, genetic engineering and now the very important, and some would say life challenging, problems of solving the world’s favorite puzzle.

Rubik Solve is a free online service which will help you solve your Rubik Cube in around 25 moves. All you have to do is input your current position, and the site will [...]

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Bambeco Water Powered Alarm Clock – wake up the ecofriendly way

Earth Friendly Water Powered Alarm

Worried about your carbon footprint? Not every ecofriendly step has to be huge. Small things go a long way to making the world a better place. The Bambeco Water Powered Alarm Clock is a small alarm clock that runs on regular old tap water.

This is not a fancy alarm clock. No special bells or whistle. Just a standard digital read out. It wouldn't be exceptional at all but [...]

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Combination Keys Designed Pillow – share your love for computers even when you're AFK

key desinged pillow holding

Sometimes you just need to share your nerd/geek cred in your dwelling for everyone to see. The Combination Keys Designed Pillow will let everyone know that even when you're not with your computer, you're with your computer.

The pillows are white squares that resemble keyboard keys with single words written in black on the corner, just like the keyboard they're made to resemble. There are four possible keys available. Ctrl, [...]

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ZANO – the selfie taking drone of your dreams

Zano white

Drones are everywhere. Doing all kinds of things but mostly what they do is take pictures. So why did it take so long for someone to come up with a selife taking drone? I can't answer that, all I can say is that someone finally put two and two together. ZANO is a selfie taking drone.

It does more than just take pictures of its owner. The ZANO was designed to bring [...]

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Cabelet – why should charging cables be ditchwater dull, instead of cool and enticing?


Every time my phone runs out of battery I find myself not too far from a USB port but the only thing that is usually missing from the equation is the micro-usb cable that’s required to charge the smartphone. So, heed my words, always keep a charging cable at an arm’s length or better yet wrap it around your arm.

Like the new Cabelet which not only charges your smart device, but also doubles as [...]

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The Brick, Nokia 215 and other retro tech – why are we all rushing backwards so darn fast?


The good folk at Binatone have just released an updated model of The Brick its ultra retro, take it as you find it, smartphone accessory (or full phone, your choice). The idea is we’re clearly all pining for the good old days when mobile phones were heavier than a wet bag of cement, and could only fit into a very large suitcase with wheels. Who would have thought?

In fact things get worse than that. Apparently, [...]

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Amkov JQ1 Selfie Camera – 14 megapixels and a bit of WiFi may help you look pretty good


Let’s take a minute to comtemplate life, shall we? We have smartphones, we have smart cars, we have ultra high resolution cameras. But one thing we’re still desperately in need of is apparently the ability to take better and better photos of ourselves, because… well… narcissists.  But fear not courageous seeker after truth, for the solution has arrived, and it will deliver all you require of a gadget of purpose.

This Amkov JQ1 [...]

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Hypnosquare – hypnotize everyone and take control of the world


If you want something cool to add to your home decor for the next party then don't look any further. You can use the combination of latest technology and old-school hypnotism to add something really amazing to your room or lounge.

Like the new Hypnosquare that will add extra colors to your dull life. You don't need a disco globe or flashing lights when you can add a small cube with beautiful colored [...]

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Molecule-R Cuisine R-Evolution Kit – putting the science into cooking science

Molecule-R Cuisine R-Evolution Kit

Do you take your cooking seriously? I mean, so seriously that you consider what you do to be a delicate science? Then it's time to take your cooking to the next level with the Molecule-R Cuisine R-Evolution Kit, the set that lets you practice molecular gastronomy in your own kitchen, just like the top TV chefs.

Molecular gastronomy is a way of cooking that treats food preparation like chemistry. On [...]

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