Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tech Tips [eBooks 101 – All You Need To Know + Which DVD Should I Use + Find The Hottest Stuff On The Web ] 01-06-15

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws WorldStart Tech Tips 2015-01-06

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Quick Tip

William writes:

I have an emergency!!! I need to know how to copy my info from my computer to an external hard drive!!!

William, you don't say what types of information you need to copy or what operating system you are using. But let's see if we can help.

Once you plug in that external hard drive it will show up as an available drive under Computer or This PC. You copy information to it the same way you would to any external drive. You can either drag and drop or copy and paste. Select the files you need to copy like documents, data back ups, photos and music and move them to the other file.

If you would prefer to do a back up of your entire system, these articles can help.

To learn how to back up Windows 7, click here.

For Windows 8, click here.

It's a good idea to make doing regular backups to an external drive or the cloud part of your routine. That way when something goes wrong, you already have a recent backup.

Good luck!

~ Cynthia

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Okay, it's not exactly magic, but is sure seems like it. It's actually the power of science. These pads are made from a specially designed super-fine foam that loosens dirt and actually pulls it into the pad where it is trapped with no chance of escape.

Adding just a drop or two of water transforms these ordinary-looking white pads into super-cleaning machines. Maybe it is magic.

Scuff marks on your baseboards, walls or door frame? The Magic Surface Eraser makes them disappear. It'll look like you've got a whole new paint job.

Hard to remove soap scum and build-up can give your bathroom a grimy look even if you clean it every day. Magic Surface Eraser leaves it sparkling clean.

Scuff marks making your shoes look like its time to toss them out? They'll look as good as new when Magic Surface Eraser gets finished with them.

Have some plastic patio furniture that's been scuffed up and looks ready for the recycle bin? Bring it back to life!

Tarnish on your jewelry or silverware? Your prized possessions will gleam again without the use of harsh chemicals.

The uses are almost endless! The price is unbeatable. We've got a 2-pack of Magic Surface Erasers for only $2.97 !

It's the next best thing to waving a magic wand! Click the store link below to add a pack or two to your cart before they disappear.


Grab this great deal before the price jumps back to $4.97 on Wednesday !


Computers 101

Robert asks,

Concerning USB hubs, a 2.0 hub connected to a 3.0 port will still only provide 2.0?

Hi Robert,

You are correct. All USB hubs, ports, and devices are backwards compatible, which means they support the older versions as well as their current versions. So a USB 3.0 hub would work in a USB 2.0 port. However, devices will only function at the highest version supported by both devices. So if you have a USB 2.0 port and 3.0 flash drive, it will function at the 2.0 speed. Similarly, if you have a USB 3.0 port and a 2.0 device, again, it will function at the 2.0 speed.


As an additional note, if your computer only has USB 2.0 ports, the only way to upgrade them to USB 3.0 ports would be to install a USB 3.0 card on your motherboard. This does involve opening up the computer and inserting the card into an open slot on the motherboard. If you are not comfortable with working on the inside of a computer, this isn't recommended. You would also need to do some research to verify that your motherboard will support USB 3.0, as older motherboards/computers may not.


Most times a USB 3.0 port is blue, so that is how you can tell if you have USB 3.0, though not always. But also keep in mind, a faster USB port will only typically be helpful when you are transferring file or data. So things like a mouse, keyboard, or any other USB device really won't benefit if you upgrade. However, things like flash drives and external hard drives will show improved speeds.

~ Audra

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On The Move

Lynn from Norwalk writes:

I have been given the gift of several electronic Amazon books by young relatives for Christmas. They intend for me to read them on the Android tablet I received for my birthday in October. I can read e-mail, go to the Internet and play the occasional game on this tablet, but I am afraid I am puzzled by the notion of electronic books. I have to admit that my first thought was to perhaps print these books from my computer, but I read your article about the cost and inconvenience of printing an entire book. Can you explain just how these books work and also what you would consider the advantages and disadvantages of this type of item to be compared to the old-fashioned book. Also, it was necessary to donate quite a lot of older books to charity when I downsized from a larger home to a smaller condominium and my nephew said it might be possible to reacquire many of these books for free in an electronic format. He offered to instruct me on his next visit, but I would prefer to do it myself if I can.

First of all, congratulations on you Christmas gifts. I always love to receive books and appreciate it when friends and family want to share books they have enjoyed with me. First of all, for all the physical book lovers out there, let me say that I love books. I love books so much that I turned my coat closet into a library.


But I also love electronic books (we'll call them eBooks from now on in this article.) Here's a couple of screenshots of my Kindle library, which contains as many books as my physical library.


Let's start with basics – eBook is a term used to describe...

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From The Archives

Michele from Ankeny, Iowa writes "I just watched a video by Worldstart instructing the use of Windows DVD Maker. What type of DVD should be used to burn the movie on to? Should it be -R or +R? I've heard that -R was recommended by a sales person but I have a stack of blank +R's at home. Thank you."

Hi, Michele. Thanks for the great question!

This is a question that has confused and fuddled customers probably since recordable DVD's came out. When I worked in electronics sales, this was a question that I was presented with a lot. The short answer is that, with most modern DVD players it makes absolutely no difference. Here's the long answer:

DVD – R came first, in 1997. The primary funding for this was through the Pioneer corporation. Because it is an older format, it works better in many older DVD players (although older DVD players labeled SUPER-MULTI can play both equally well). DVD + R came about in 2002, with primary advocacy by Sony. DVD + R is considered the superior format by most of the industry for the same reason that a Tesla is considered a superior car over a Model T: because it came later, and so was able to take advantage of more advanced technology.

One quick side-note, though… one format that I do NOT recommend for anything that you'd like to keep is...

Go to WorldStart to learn more!

Today's Feature

Gwyn writes:

I have several short video clips taken of family this Christmas with my Nikon camera. I use a PC with Winodws 7. Unfortunately, all the clips are very dark. When I view these clips using Windows Media Player, I can enhance the brightness, but I cannot save the videos with this enhancement. Is there a way to do this or is there free software to help me save videos with color correction. I really enjoy all your daily tips.

Gywn, try Windows Movie Maker. It may already be installed on your computer. Type Movie Maker in the search box of the start menu to look for it. If it's not already there, you can download it for free by clicking on this link.

Once installed, open it and browse for the video you wish to import.


Select the video from the file where it is saved.

select video

Choose the Visual effects tab at the top...

Head on over to WorldStart for more on this tip!

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Amanda's Coolsite

Viral Nova

Even with all the time I spend online, I still feel like somehow I'm missing out on the content that goes viral. No more! I found this awesome site called Viral Nova that curates viral media and brings it directly to you all in one place!

Navigation is easy! You can start just by browsing the featured content on the main page. Want more? Then check out the navigation strip at the top of the page where you'll find categories like OMG, Science, Life, Culture, Videos, and more!

The content you'll find is a combination of news, images, and video allowing you to stay up to date with all the viral content the web has to offer.

Want to share something you find with your friends and fmaily? It's easy to do with the social media buttons located on each page. Just click the network you'd like to share it over (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or Pinterest) or you can even choose to send it out via email with the Email button!

Go check it out for yourself today!



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Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?

Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com

One More Big Deal

Around my house, dust is PUBLIC ENEMY #1. Truthfully, I can't figure out where it all comes from.

Maybe it's the opposite of the way socks disappear into some mysterious vortex in the dryer. Dust mysteriously appears in my house and I'm sure having pets and kids running in and out all the time doesn't help matters.

It's like some kind of alien invasion. It's everywhere, I don't know where it came from and it won't stop!

Dusting is probably my least favorite chore on the planet. Mom used to bribe me with comic books and ice cream sandwiches and that still didn't make me like it any better.

These days, I don't even get a treat. Just that look from the other half that says, "Weren't You Supposed To Dust?"

I'm tempted to say, "So what, it's just dust." Then I did a little research.

Dust not only looks bad, do you know what lives in it? DUST MITES! Take a look at this nasty bugger. He loves dust. And he causes asthma and allergy symptoms like wheezing.

These 8-legged freaks lay up to 100 eggs each during their two-month life span and according to what I looked up online "A house dust mite will produce approximately 2,000 fecal particles and an even larger number of partially digested enzyme-covered dust particles."

Well, know I know where all that extra dust comes from. YUCK! I am so ready to dust.

And these little monsters also belong to the Arachnida class of insects... Yup they're spiders. Can I clean the house with a flame thrower?

Fortunately I have a secret weapon in the fight against the dust mite invasion. This Spic & Span Disposable Dust Mitt.

Unlike rags or dusters that just knock dust and its creepy inhabitants around your house, these mitts pick it up.

One wipe and the dust (and dust mite poo) is gone from your surfaces. And because it's disposable, you toss those disgusting little dust-dwellers in the trash. SEE YA LATER Creepy Crawlies.

This mitt is great for getting into nooks and crannies and keeping those tight spaces dust-free. It slips right on your hand!

The super-soft material is safe for all surfaces. So don't worry about scratching your TV or Grandma's table. Great for cleaning knick-knacks and other small items. Plus, it's easy to get where you need to reach on shelves and to clean dust-collecting items like lamps.

I am still no fan of dusting, but this mitt makes the chore a lot easier. Plus, now that I know about dust mites, I sort of feel like Godzilla crushing their city. It's kind of fun. Take that micro-spiders!

Plus, the house truly looks Spic & Span. And check out the price. Not one but FIVE of these great mitts per pack for less than $1! Bust the dust and massacre the mites for $0.97 by clicking the store link below and adding a pack or two to your cart!


Take note, this deal ends on Wednesday ! I don't want you to miss out and be bummed the day after because the price went up to $2.97 before you could buy them. So order now!

Monthly Wallpaper

January Wallpaper Is Ready

Happy New Year!

The featured desktop wallpaper for January is all set and ready to go. Check out the featured images below and stop by the site - hundreds to choose from.

All can be found here and are 100% free:


Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!

I also want to thank the hundreds of people who helped support the wallpaper and videos with a voluntary contribution in 2014! Your support helps to keep the wallpaper and videos comin' every month! THANK YOU!

Watchful Winter Deer

The forecast was calling for an early season snow and with the temps hovering around freezing, I knew the snow was going to stick to everything in sight. Seemed like a good reason to get out to my local park! Now, I'm the first to admit the deer are fairly tame in this area and with the large number roaming the park, I knew it wasn't going to be too terribly difficult to locate a subject or two. Sure enough…(More)

Hovering Egret

It was getting towards the end of my morning shoot and my stomach was on a mission to find some breakfast. There wasn't too much going on and I knew the light was less than a half an hour from turning too harsh to work with anyway. I was about to pick up my camera and search for a way to satiate my grumbling stomach when...(More)

Hocking Hills Cascading Stream

This was taken one misty morning in Hocking Hills State Park. We were hiking through the Old Man's Cave area and couldn't help but notice the creek that flowed through the gorge looked especially spectacular this particular AM. So, I scampered over some rocks and down to the best part of the cascades. Had to be careful with this one. I was shooting just upstream from a waterfall and...(More)

For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to:


As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!

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