Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Best Year of Your Life

DailyOM - The Best Year of Your Life
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January 10, 2015
The Best Year of Your Life
The Best Year of Your Life

by Debbie Ford

The following is an excerpt from the "The Best Year of Your Life" on-line course. If you would like to take the entire course, click here.

Welcome to the best year of your life! This program is a recipe for falling deeply and passionately in love – with yourself. You may wonder what loving yourself has to do with creating your best life. Well, in a word, everything! Having coached and trained hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, I can tell you that loving yourself is the most essential prerequisite to living your best life. When you feel great about who you are, you radiate an undeniable magnetic energy that attracts all the things you desire to you.

People you've been meaning to call "magically" show up in your life. Ideas and next actions for your projects come easily. Your relationships with others – even those with whom you've had problems in the past – are lighter and more fun. When you're kind, generous, and respectful toward yourself, you feel worthy and deserving of claiming the gifts of this world.

Whatever you're looking for – whether it's more love, more success, more self-confidence, more intimacy, more money, or to attain another desired goal – this program will help you achieve it. When you make the commitment to love yourself first, the entire world will open up to you.

So get ready to embark on the most important and rewarding journey you've ever taken – the journey to the best year of your life!

With love and excitement,

The Self-Love Game

Introducing the Self-Love Game! This exciting and fun process will inspire you to identify as many ways as possible to build your self-love each week, and will give you points every time you take the actions listed on each card. Here's how the game works:

Each week, I'll share a key distinction that will support you in loving yourself more. Then I'll give you a specific practice or project to take on that week to raise your self-esteem and support you in feeling better than ever about who you are.

You'll notice at the bottom of each lesson that each weekly practice has been assigned a particular number of self-love points. This is the number of points you'll accumulate when you complete the action step listed for each week. Log your points every week, and when you've accumulated 1,000 points, you must reward yourself with something that you've been wanting: a new outfit, a massage, a night out with friends, or simply a Sunday morning to stay in bed and do nothing. Choose a reward that makes you feel like the amazing person that you are.

And, for those of you who want to build your self-love quickly, you can go for extra credit. Give yourself points every time you do something that leaves you feeling better about yourself. For example, you could give yourself points for going for your daily walk, for promoting your business, for showing kindness to a stranger, or for choosing a turkey-salad sandwich instead of a cheeseburger for lunch. I'll leave it up to you to determine your own scoring system. But I do recommend that you be generous with yourself – after all, that's one of the key characteristics of someone who loves themselves!

Give yourself enough time to read and understand each assignment. Look for the relevance of the week's message to whatever is happening in your life that week, trusting that you've drawn the perfect card. After you've read and understood your assignment, post reminders of it throughout the week. Then when you've completed it, put the email in a special folder that you designate as your "Accomplishment Folder" so that you can reflect on your progress.

Feel free to invite friends or family members to play this game along with you, and join the worldwide movement of people who are dedicated to turning their dreams into reality and making this the best year of their lives!

Lighten Your Load

It's difficult to clearly see what needs to be done when your environment is burdened with half-completed projects, unfinished to-do lists, old files, clothes that don't fit, and equipment that no longer works or serves any purpose.

Remember, you're committed to creating the best year of your life – a year that completely surpasses anything you've known before! So get ready to clean out the old and make room for the new.

Your Self-Love Assignment

This week, take stock of the clutter that drains your energy and distracts you from important tasks. Select one area of your house to clean out each day: your kitchen drawers, the files in your office, the trunk of your car, the cupboard under the bathroom sink…

What could you give away? What needs to be thrown away? What are you holding on to that no longer serves you?

Enroll your friends and family in this cleansing process, and notice how good it feels to create an uncluttered, organized environment in which to create. When you feel excited, energized, and ready to get down to business, you'll know that you successfully completed this assignment!

Self-Love Points Earned

Give yourself 50 points for every place in your life where you lighten your load.

For more information visit:
> The Best Year of Your Life On-Line Course


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Learning To Meditate
by Madisyn Taylor

If you want to connect with your own source of wisdom, power and peace, what you seek is only a meditation away. In this on-line course from DailyOM's editor-in-chief, Madisyn Taylor, you will learn the basics of meditation and how to incorporate specific elements to make your practice uniquely enjoyable and fulfilling. This eight-week course contains transformational lessons every week that provide a glimpse into various meditation practices from around the world and through the ages. You will learn ways to focus and quiet your mind, how your body can help you reach higher states of awareness, and methods for reconnecting with nature as a meditative practice.

> Get the first lesson now

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1. 21 Day Yoga Body!
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6. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
7. A Year of Rumi
8. Protect Yourself from Control Dramas
9. Connecting with the Archangels
10. A Year of Spiritual Awakening in Your Inbox

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  The Best Year of Your Life

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