Thursday, January 8, 2015

Virgo Horoscope: A Giving Spirit

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January 8, 2015
A Giving Spirit
Virgo Daily Horoscope

Today a magnanimous mood can compel you to consider the plight of individuals all over the planet who suffer under the weight of poverty, pain, and injustice. Should you choose to seek out opportunities to help people in need by sharing generously of your time and resources, your actions will likely be driven by a pure spirit of generosity. You may be shocked to discover how gratified you feel after each charitable act you perform. By simply acting upon your kindhearted impulses, you'll likely quickly determine how you can have a positive impact on the level of suffering in the world. As you touch the lives of people in need today, your heart may fill with a love that inspires you to devote more of your time to others.

When we channel our feelings of benevolence into generous action, we can be sure that the charitable labors we undertake are motivated by simple and sincere goodwill. There are many reasons to give support and aid to those in need, but when these gifts come from the heart they become far more touching. When we are inspired by the kindness we feel to selflessly devote ourselves to the well-being of others, those whose lives we positively influence can feel the warmth underlying our altruistic gestures. Our generosity is driven by our earnest desire to see that others are afforded the same blessings we have enjoyed and can find the means to step into the light. The nobility you feel when you perform philanthropic works today will convey the self-sacrificing generosity of your spirit.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Overcoming "Not Good Enough"
by Pam Thomas, M.S., PMC, PCC

I grew up feeling the pressure of having to be someone I wasn't in order to fit in, basically not ever feeling good enough which lead to fears and feelings of not being deserving of the good things that life had to offer. Those feelings followed me throughout my teen-age years and on well into adulthood. I played the comparison game until the pressure became insane and the self deprecation a daily exercise..."If I only I was as skinny or as pretty as her.", "If I had her job and her income, I'd have it made.", "Why can't I have a relationship like they have?" The time is NOW to amp up your own attraction factor by blasting to bits the "not enough" messages, claim or re-claim your own personal power and confidence, kick fear and negative thoughts to the curb so that you attract the "good stuff" you truly deserve.

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