Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Top Ten Verbs in English & How do you teach them? Genki English

The Top Ten Verbs in English & How do you teach them? Genki English

Link to Genki English

The Top Ten Verbs in English & How do you teach them?

Posted: 10 Mar 2015 03:01 PM PDT

We’ve talked before about the top 25 *words* in English – and how important it is to have them in your curriculum.

But what do you think the top 10 *verbs* are?

Things like “said” or “had” or “is”?

Well, maybe for written words, yes.

But as we all know the written language is very different from the spoken variety.

So here for you today ……..

The top *spoken* verbs in English (in alphabetical order) :


Ninja Tip:  And notice how they are all “I” forms.

Some of these are, of course, a little tricky to teach.

So my question of the day is …..

How to do teach these verbs?  Especially the more challenging ones e.g “come” or “tell” or “know”?  Any magic tips or tricks?

I already have some things for can, come, have, like, make, see, think  etc.

But  ….  I’d love to get *your* thoughts and share them with everyone here in the comments.

I’m sure it would make a fantastic resource for everyone so do get commenting away! :)

Be genki,


P.S.   Last month’s comment competition winner was ….. Narno Díaz y Pérez.   If you’d like to win a Genki English vol. download of your choice,  just keep commenting on the blog.  Each month I pick one comment out at random, and you could even win the Adventure Pack download (which isn’t even available to buy anymore!)   The more you comment, the more chance you have to win! :)


P.P.S.   One other quick question,  if we had Ninja Baby Monkey acting out these verbs, how would you illustrate them, again especially the tricky ones like “come” or “tell” or “make”?  I’d love to hear in the comments!

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