Thursday, July 26, 2012

PARSHAH PICKS: How's Your Vision? (Devarim)
Menachem Av 6, 5772 · July 25, 2012
General Overview:

This week's reading begins the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book of the Five Books of Moses. Moses begins his final monologue, five weeks before his passing. He recounts the story of the Israelite's travel through the desert, placing emphasis on, and rebuking them for, the story of the spies. He describes Israel's conquest of the Emorites and the Bashanites.

This Week's Features Printable Parshah Magazine
By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Deuteronomy 1:1–3:22
For thirty-seven days Moses talks: recalling, reminding, rebuking, warning, promising; about the revelation at Sinai and their journeys through the desert, about spies and wars and victories and the Land and what it's like to serve as a leader of G‑d's chosen people.

The Story of Devarim
The Book of Deuteronomy primarily contains Moses' last will and testament to the Children of Israel as they are poised to enter the Promised Land.

By Menachem Posner
When does one learn to adjust one's expectations and recognize that that dreams are . . . just dreams?

By Mendy Herson
What's puzzling here is the veiled way in which Moses chose to reproach his people. How out of character for a man whose hallmark was clarity and truth! Does not allusion leave room for confusion?

By Mendel Kalmenson
A Taste of Text—Devarim
No one is immune to feeling hurt when being admonished. Moses teaches us how to rebuke carefully and sensitively.

By Chana Weisberg
Watch Watch (19:55)
Practical Parshah - Devarim
Moses translated the Torah into the languages of his day. What are the rules, and the risks, of translating Torah into other languages?

By Mendel Kaplan
Watch Watch (1:02:11)
Devarim Parshah Report
Jono and Rabbi kadoozy perform a comedy routine at a comedy club. And Jono is the straight man.

Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich
Watch Watch (8:01)
A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.

By J. Immanuel Schochet
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Examining the weekly Torah reading through the lens of contemporary commentary, showing how topical and relevant the parshas' ideas really are. Both mystical and pragmatic, this lesson will elevate your spirit and refine your view of the world around you.

By Mendel Kaplan
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